gerrit 2.15.x 版本 数据库表介绍 之 postgresql 数据库
下面是2.15.x 版本的
1 | List of relations |
下面是2.12.x 版本的 数据库表
1 |
1 | account_group_by_id |
1 | account_group_by_id_aud |
1 | account_group_id |
1 | account_group_members |
1 | account_group_members_audit |
1 | account_group_names |
1 | account_groups |
1 | account_id |
1 | change_id |
1 | change_messages |
1 | changes |
1 | patch_comments |
1 | patch_set_approvals |
1 | patch_sets |
1 |
1 | system_config |
2.12.x and 2.15.x
1 | 2.12.x and 2.15.x |
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